+420 777 237 984
+420 777 237 984
Dive Center #3698

PADI Open Water Diver course in english

Welcome to Kapr Divers - PADI 5Star Dive Center!

Although full information about our courses, trips and other scuba diving activities on this web site are in Czech language, we offer a full range of our services in English too. Kapr Divers is the most active diving club in Prague offering diving education for beginners, experienced divers, technical divers and scuba instructors.

Learning to dive is one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. Earning your PADI certification will forever change the way you see the world, both above and below the surface. The first step is to enroll in the basic level scuba course – PADI Open Water Diver. During the course, you’ll learn what you need to know to explore the underwater world using scuba.

Course details

The PADI Open Water Diver course includes three parts: Knowledge Development, Confined Water Dives, and Open Water Dives.

  • Knowledge Development covers the principles, concepts and terms you need to know for dive safety and enjoyment. All students get their own online PADI eLearning student manual for independent home study. Once you finish the eLearning, there are academic lessons with the instructor. The final part of knowledge development is a written exam.
  • During the Confined Water Dives, you learn and practice scuba skills in a pool or water with pool-like conditions. Swimming pool lessons are conducted in the pool at Agricultural university in Prague Suchdol from October until the end of June. In summer months, we usually teach scuba diving in the outdoor pool in Mělník or Kralupy nad Vltavou.
  • To complete training you practice, apply and demonstrate what you learn during four Open Water Dives at a local dive site of lakes or quarries in Czech (usually weekend) or Austrian lakes or as a part of the trip to the sea according to our plan of scuba trips. Your instructor always provides detail information.

Course Prerequisites:

  • 12 years or older (we also offer special scuba diving program for kids from 8 years)
  • Able to swim
  • Medically fit for diving


Our instructors are well educated, experienced professionals with a high level of their certification. We are more than happy to be your guides on a way into the underwater world.


All required lessons led by the instructor

PADI OWD eLearning included

Diver log book included

Full scuba diving equipment rental for all lessons included

Max. number of swimming pool lessons (2,5 hod., 60 min. in water)

Max. ratio of students to one instructor

Possibility to choose dates of lessons from offered time table

Equipment transportation to/from swimming pools organized by Kapr Divers

Number of training open water dives

Equipment transportation to/from OW dive sites organized by Kapr Divers

Open Water Referral

PADI certification fee


Take a full care of me

14.900 CZK




minus 2.000 CZK


I require a private course

35.000 CZK



4 + 1 bonus

minus 2.000 CZK

We organize this program in 2 forms: Comfort and VIP. To start PADI OWD course, all participants must enroll in an administrative lesson (60 minutes) to set up the course schedule and fill all paperwork in. All details of a course are discussed at this lesson.

Price does not includes

  • air filling abroad
  • transportation to dive sites and entry fee if applicable

Earning a PADI Open Water Diver certification shows that you met the course requirements. Dive centers and resorts require proof of certification before they will rent scuba equipment, fill scuba cylinders or book dive excursions. As a PADI Open Water Diver, you’ll be trained to a maximum depth of 18 metres/60 feet, and are qualified to dive in conditions as good as, or better than, those in which you trained. It’s just the beginning of a lifetime filled with dive adventures.

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    Kapr Divers, s. r. o.
    cestovní agentura
    Náměstí Svatopluka Čecha 2
    Praha 10, 101 00

    Obchodní údaje

    IČ: 26172542, DIČ: CZ26172542
    bankovní spojení: Raiffeisenbank,
    č. účtu: 56403028/5500

    Společnost je zapsána v OR vedeném Městským soudem v Praze, oddíl C, vložka 76777

    © 2018-2024 Kapr Divers, s. r.o.
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